Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Still Here!!

Yes we are! SO SO sorry its been awhile. Any one still out there?!?!

Where to start.....the past few weeks have been busy. With Madison and William both in school one would think I have extra time on my hands. Nope! Actually that's my own fault, but oh well.

William is doing wonderful in his new school! Its also a huge blessing that he loves going, he comes home so excited about it every day. Madison and him have to show each other their papers first thing when they both get home. Its super cute!

We enjoyed a short, but sweet visit from one of my oldest friends and her two cute boys! The visit wasn't very long, but so worth it. Next time Ang it will be longer. We miss you all very much! Can't wait until the next one.

We have also been busy around the house. With winter coming fast the new windows needed to be put in. Lets just say they weren't as easy as I had thought they would be. Dan would agree that the next time someone else can do them. But they only took about 3 weekends to finish up. I'm waiting on someone to come and give an estimate for the living room and basement windows since Dan refuses to do those ones. Now if only I could find the energy to finish up the work around the inside of them all. And then it on to the next project, which I'm thinking is going to be the main bath. We had a very bad accident this past weekend that happened in there. Dan and I were in town during the accident. But it involved: one child, the ticked off kitty Sophie, hinged door to the bath tub plumbing, a broken leg, crying, well you get the idea. Sophie is no longer with us as her leg was BAD. I'm thankful it wasn't a finger or another limb, but it wasn't easy. MaKayla still thinks she is at the doctors getting her leg fixed. William of course slaps her (literally) back into reality. She asks every morning if we can go and pick her up. Poor little girl.

We went to the river last night with papa and grandma to have a cook out and go fishing. The kids all had a blast. Papa and Madison caught two fish. William thought they were pretty neat and loved to pick them up! Kayla well that a different story...she did start to warm up to them at the end of the evening. Maybe next time she will be better.

Pictures to come later I need to pick Madison up from the bus stop now.

1 comment:

Mrs. S. said...

Hi Shell! Sorry to hear about your kitty. Hope the kids are okay. Next time for sure. Call me to chit chat whenever you get a spare moment. I know those are rare! Take care and talk to you soon.