Thursday, January 8, 2009

Big news and birthday wishes!

So I'm slacking again. OOPS! First off..Happy Birthday to my lil brother Derek today, okay so maybe he isn't so little anymore!

Big news is...we leave for California in 5 days!! I'm so ready to leave this freezing cold state. I'm so tired of the snow and today we are getting dumped on with freezing rain. You should see all the morons in the ditch right now outside our living room window! Sorry but its true.

I'm busy still with all the cleaning and purging of our house. I was hoping to finish before we leave but its not looking like that's going to happen. But by the end of the month it will all be done, promise!

Tomorrow is Madison's 6th birthday and then my other brothers 21st on Saturday. So you will only get 2 more post out of me before we leave probably sorry. I will try and do at least one while we are gone if not then there will be an overload when we come home.


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