Monday, August 4, 2008

Birthday Party and Fair

Well lets see.......The birthday party went great! The kids had a ton of fun with everyone. William absolutely loved his spider man cake. The days leading up to the party all he could talk about was his spider man birthday, and it still continues. That's all he talks about. MaKayla loved her butterfly party as well. But once it was time for presents she liked the barbies more. She is growing up to fast. They couldn't open the presents fast enough. And then they had to try them ALL out.

This past weekend we had the fair. They all had a blast. Wednesday night started with the horse extravaganza. Madison and her friend, Gracie were part of Jades' performance this year. They had to "dance" upfront. They were really cute, William and MaKayla thought they needed to help out with the dancing. It turned out to be quite funny! Thursday we looked at the exhibits and the animals won. They were the favorite of the kids. Kayla screamed every time we went near them last year, and this year we had to drag her away from them. William on the other had was gagging from the smell! They loved the Budweiser's Clydesdale horses. Kayla was picking hers out to take home. If only it were that easy! We only went to eat on Friday as we had other things going on that day.

Saturday was the day they were waiting for. Rides!! Madison is starting to outgrow the "baby" rides so she was trying out the bigger rides that she could get on. I thought she would either freak out before she got on, or loose her cookies during the ride. But no, she LOVED them all! It was a good thing that I had bought Dan and I stamps to ride as well. They changed the height for the big slide sometime this year and she couldn't go on it. She had looked forward to doing it by herself this year, but couldn't. She couldn't even ride with dad! They all rode the roller coaster, while grandma and great grandma sat and watched while having a heart attack at the thoughts of what could happen!

Now that's its all over we have been spending the last two days trying to get back onto our schedule. We have some very unhappy 3 year olds! I think its a mixture of allergies and lack of sleep. I hope, unless its the start of something else for William he sounds worse than the girls. Time will tell.

We have a couple of other things to share but for now that will do. You'll need to check back later this week, to hear what we did Friday. I will also add some pictures of the party and some of the fair tonight. My camera is in the van, and Dan took that today!

1 comment:

angelucie said...

Wow! I can't believe how big they all are now!! What a blessed auntie I am to have such beautiful children to call my nieces and nephew! I hope that they got my birthday cards, late as they were. Please let me know.
love Aunt Lucie