Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Fathers Day and Birthdays!

This weekend we had our ONLY (that's a hint to our brothers and sisters BTW) nephew Cadens' 1st birthday party on Saturday. He is such a cutie! We love him and so do the kids. I can't believe he is already a year old.

After the birthday party we were able to get the trampoline and swimming pool set up for the kids to enjoy. The kids are going to have so much fun this year with such a huge yard to just run. They have been outside everyday since it started to get warm. William and his endless supply of energy can jump on the trampoline for hours on end, never getting tired.

Sunday was Father's day. I think Dan was hoping for a nice quiet day at home!! Does that exist with kids?? He was able to sleep past 6, so does that count as sleeping in? One could hope! This Sunday was also our intern pastors last day so we had carry in dinner after church services. We all enjoyed the extra time with everyone. And for dinner my parents had us over for BBQ. Ended up being an easy day for me. I had wanted to stop by the greenhouse on the way home from church to pick up a few more flowers and replace some garden plants the dogs tore up. That ended up being a chore! Dan wanted to go back after he heard of the great deal I just received. So he picked up more of everything. And of course they needed to be planted, my garden is now huge! I know what I will be doing this fall. Or I should say I know what I will attempt to do this fall!

Yesterday and today we spent most of the days outside working on the yard. I have finally made it to my front flower bed and one by the garage. Tomorrow I hope to tackle the one on the side of the house, and replace some of the trees that have died out. We have also went with my Aunt Mary Jo and looked at a couple of houses near by for her and the kids. She has been looking for the past few years for a house with land and this must be her year, as there are 3 within 4 miles of each other. And best of all, they are all by us. So hopefully they can make up their minds soon.

My cousin Shane, AKA Shane the pain by Madison, is here for the summer. He came to help my dad out with the bees. He is so great with the kids, and they love him so much. Its so nice to be surrounded with my family up here. In July my dads sisters and my grandma will all be here for our annual family camping trip. Although we aren't going camping this year. We are excited to spend time with all of them!!

Okay that's about all for now. Happy Anniversary to my brother Derek and his wife Angie, it is two years also for them this year. We stressed our mom out a little bit with two wedding two weeks apart in 05. But I'm also forgetting to mention my baby brother graduated high school two weeks before my wedding!! LOL mom!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pictures of the kids! I'm glad you all had a good weekend.

Have you heard anything from Angie? Are they home yet? I don't want to bug them, so I haven't called yet.