Monday, July 21, 2008

A little early!

Okay so I know I'm early with this, but I seriously won't have time to post it later this week. Here is the Birthday video for the twins. On August 1st they will turn 3! I can hardly believe that we welcomed them just 3 short years ago. It seems like just last week! I'm kidding!!! They have forever changed our lives. Its a new adventure everyday! We love them both very much!

Photo and video editing at

I will post some pictures of their party sometime next week. They are having a spider man and butterfly party. Nice combo I know. William is getting more excited everyday! Its so funny. When we first started talking about their birthday they started to fight over whose birthday it actually was. And now they have finally figured out that it is both of their birthdays, or brday as they would say.

Things are good here. We are trying to finish up a couple of different projects here before the party this weekend. I don't think we will make it though. The kids spent all of Saturday with my mom while Dan and I worked. And its just now starting to come back together. Dan ran into a couple of different problems. So there are a couple added hole in our walls to fix!

1 comment:

Mrs. S. said...

Shell, That was incredible. Thank you for sharing! I can't believe the twins are already 3. Please tell them happy birthday from all of us.