Thursday, April 2, 2009

17 weeks already!!

I find it so hard to believe that I'm already 17 weeks into this pregnancy! The time is just flying right by. Now if only things would stay nice and mellow for the rest. But that I don't see happening anytime soon. My appointment on Monday went just as I expected, not so great! It actually ended in my taking an early gestational diabetes test, that I failed miserably. I knew that it was to much to ask for an uneventful pregnancy as my last! I'm now back on the worst diet ever, for the next 3 weeks to see if that helps any. Oh goodie!!

Lets see what else............Madison starts going to school everyday next week, she can't wait. She also has her first soccer game on Tuesday, unless we go to the circus in Williston instead that night. Soccer? Circus? Oh what to do??

The other two are good. Nothing exciting with them, unless you count Kaylas new rash. She looks like ringworm has taken over her body again. Don't worry is not really ringworm, its just an allergic reaction to something. We have no idea what either. It started to show up a couple of months ago and took almost a week to go away, it was really bad then. I don't think this round will stay that long as its not that bad, but I see a lot of new ones starting today.

We are also slowing getting the kids new rooms ready. The girls new bedding will be here tomorrow, Madison helped pick it out even! So I can start gathering things for the girls new room. The closet will hopefully get done this weekend. I had a guy come out today and look at everything that needs to get done inside and out (hopefully the quote won't kill Dan) and just maybe I might have a 75% finish house by June. I hope at least! Dan gave in finally and said to find someone to finish up all the windows and sheet rock work. Especially since I'm starting to worry about it getting done before baby comes.


1 comment:

megan said...

Take care of yourself! You and baby will be in my prayers.