Monday, May 19, 2008

Look What Daddy Came Home With!!

Not exactly what we had planned on getting, but it was FREE!! Yep, that's the way my husband likes things to come. The kids love it so I suppose it will work for this year and next spring we can upgrade to the awesome one from swing in slide. Its been here since Thursday and daddy still hasn't found the time to attach the slide or the spin thing. But that's not keeping the kids from using the slide. They must think its okay for it to fall over as you go down, makes a better ride that way, I guess. The way things are looking for the week the slide won't get "put" on til the weekend either!

We were able to get one side of the fence put up this past weekend and the rest of the post in the ground. Hopefully this weekend we will be able to finish it up. THAT IS OF COURSE...if UBC gets us the rest of the top rails and things. I'm not really holding my breath especially since it took 2 weeks to get the 6ft posts when they promised it would only be a week! And then they sent half of the wrong items! I hope they get here so we can move on to the next item on the list. MORE TREES!! They need to be planted by the 6 ft side and I don't want a bunch of people walking on them just to get the fence up, so they sit.

No, that is not dirt they are standing on!! Gross I know, it was all DAD!
Other than that things are good. Still waiting to hear from Highline Homes for Williams testing. They must of forgot about it. If I don't hear from them tomorrow I'll call to see what is going on.

The girls are good. They are loving it outside!

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