Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Busy, busy!

Time sure does get away with me. But show me one person it doesn't with! Usually by this time of year most if not all of our family are getting their Christmas cards in the mail. This year however, I have run out. I miscounted when I ordered. At that time I could only find one sheet, sorry. Just the other day I found the rest and of course added a few new ones this year. So hold on while I find another picture to use and have some made at White Drug. I hope to get them off by the weekend. I hope they will be there before Christmas if not shortly after. Again I'm sorry!
Poor Madison had a dental appointment last week for a cleaning and to have some cavities looked at. She had 4 one on each of her 1 year molars. Actually she only had two new on the top, because the two on the bottom were there from the year before. But the dentist didn't see the need then to fix them, so those ones just kept getting bigger! Lucky me after seeing how she reacted last time I had grandma take her! Of course this time she was perfect. Well today again with grandma in tow she had the cavities on the left side done. From what I hear she was a trooper, except when she got sick. She is now soaking up all the attention resting in mommy and daddy's "huge" bed with heated blankets and watching cartoons, must be hard.
We survived the snow storm this past weekend. The kids loved watching it all day. Now if only it would warm up some so they can actually enjoy it. Kayla is going crazy being locked inside for 5 days now, she is even driving me nuts. Madison and Will have been out twice for school and both came back "frozen" every time. I haven't been asked if they can go outside even, kinda nice.
No mama I wasn't peeking at the presents in your closet, I promise!

Not a whole lot of exciting news sorry. But some new pictures to tie you over for awhile.

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