Friday, December 12, 2008

I'm in love.......

Not only with my kids and husband but my new camera! I have hated my old camera for so long that I just stopped getting it out. That so bad, but its been used and abused so much it started taking really crappy pictures.

Dan and I have been "in talks" for months about it! His theory just buy it, mine was but there are so many other things to get first. You know how that goes! But I decided I wanted one for sure before our trip to Disney in January. So i searched the couches for spare change the kids missed and didn't feed my family........kidding!! I actually hoarded (if that's an actual word) my daycare income, to splurge on our new toy, a Nikon D60. It was a sweet deal and couldn't pass it up. I however have buyers remorse now, if there is such a thing!

It arrived on Wednesday so I've been busy trying to figure it out. Lets just say its not an easy task. So many new functions to learn and everything else. WOW!!! But the pictures of my my my, can't get enough of them. They are so awesome. And I haven't missed a shot since it came. But if anyone can help me to learn this camera fast please help!!! Thank you!!

I would love to share, but I need to start getting William ready for school, sorry!!


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