Friday, May 29, 2009

Drumroll please!!

You all have to suffer through a post before seeing what the title is about. You should be happy I haven't done a full one in a while again.

Yesterday we had a big day, between doctor appointments, ultrasounds and Williams end of the year program. Little man is now officially done with preschool for the year, and his program was so cute yesterday. Even though when they all first came out he wasn't into all the singing he warmed up quickly. I'll put some pictures up later, not enough time this morning, sorry! This morning however he is sad that he is not going to school! I begged his teachers to let him come to summer school! But he has showed no signs of regression this year. In fact he is finally where he should be, we are so happy. His language jumped from 1 year 9 months at the beginning of the year to right on 4 years as of now. That's a 2 year 3 month increase in one school year, lets hope it can stay that way this summer.

I had another doctor appointment yesterday and all is well with me. My doctor was finally happy to see that I gained some weight. Three pounds actually since last Monday, I wasn't to happy with that, but who is complaining when that's all I've gained in 6 months. I'm guessing most of it was due to all the water I've drank in the past two days, I had a deal with the doctor that I needed to win! Everything else with me was good, still need to take it easy and listen to my body, not exactly easy with 3 kids. But whatever!!

Now on to baby.....we needed to recheck baby because there was a question about the kidneys from the last ultrasound. The right one is large and dilated and the left one is about half the size it should be. What I was hoping was a mistake clearly wasn't yesterday just by looks. It was very clear that the right is still larger than it should be. But we still need to wait for the Dr. to read the U/S and give his report, hopefully it doesn't take a full month this time to do so. From what my doctor said that if this u/s still showed the same finding they would follow with monthly u/s and go from there. Sometimes they fix themselves in utero and others by the time they are a year old. So we wait, gain!! My doctor also wanted to redo the growth measurements on baby due to the weight issue again. And our baby who was measuring a week ahead this whole time is now a week behind. Meaning that I'm 25 weeks 2 days and baby is measuring at 23 weeks and 6 days, as of yesterday. Its actually just an average of all the different measurements they took, the head was the biggest at 26 weeks, and the leg was the smallest at 24 weeks 2 days. So how they got 23 weeks is beyond me, baby does weigh right on track at a huge 1lbs 11 oz.

And now for the good stuff!!! We did find out what we are expecting!! Baby #4 is a GIRL!! Now if that proves to be wrong I'm going to hunt Rance down!! But in his own words there doesn't seem to be a tally wacker down there! I almost died, because Madison was in the room with me, thank goodness she wasn't paying attention. After he left the room Madison told me and the u/s tech that "he sure was weird!" If only she just knew! We got a good laugh from it though.


1 comment:

megan said...

Congrats! Glad to hear that things are going pretty well.