Friday, October 24, 2008


Okay so I haven't been the best at updating lately. I can't even say we were busy or anything. Just not a whole lot going on. Where to start!

How about HFH. I was so expecting a gain this week, since I bought a new scale last week and had a huge loss. BUT...down another 2! Seriously, I don't know where its coming off from, cuz I haven't noticed anything major. Well I guess there are a few spots, and I'll spare you the details. The major thing I suppose it that its finally coming off!

What else...Oh Madison got her new glasses yesterday! I don't have picture yet, because my batteries are dead, no surprise there! But I'll get them up tonight hopefully! We still haven't heard anything on her EEG and its starting to upset me a little.

MaKayla and William are doing great! Will is excelling in school so much that its just awesome. His speech has improved by leaps and bounds in just 2 months. I would love to say so has his hearing, but that would be a lie! And boy oh boy has he developed an opinion on everything!! But then again so has Kayla. Maybe its just their age! I remember Madison getting this way as well at that age. But its harder now with the two of them!


Natalie said...

Good job on the weight loss!

Christie O. said...

yayy! great job on 2 pounds, that's awesome!!!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the loss! That is a great loss. I see your 10lb badge on the side. Lucky you! The rate I am going I would be happy to get a 5lber. Great Job!