Friday, October 31, 2008

A trip to the ER!

I know I promised pictures of Madison and her new glasses.........but the batteries for my camera won't hold a charge! Time for some new ones. Hopefully they will work to at least get some pictures of the kids in their Halloween costumes. We have a Hannah Montana, Spider man, and a Southern Belle. They are going to be so cute!

The kids had a "surprise" yesterday. Mom and dad came home this week from California. My mom had went to Plentywood Wednesday, to get Great Grandma. They were so happy to see them both. MaKayla asked Great Grandma if she was home from Heaven. It was so precious and sad at the same time.

We took William to the ER on Wednesday night. He has had a cough for a few weeks now nothing major, just extra drainage. (I know TMI) But Wednesday night it turned into something more. His treatments and cough medicine weren't helping at all. With our pediatrician out of town this week, we braved the SHS once again. It wasn't as bad as its been before. I'm thinking it had a lot to do with Dan being there and very nice nurses. They were awesome! Poor little boy has croup and double ear infections in both ears! By the time we got to the ER he was barley able to breath between his coughing, his O2 stats were in the low to mid 80's. A few breathing treatments a shot of rocephin (sp) and some lovely predisone (sp) has helped tremendously! He is almost back to his normal self, I guess as much as he can be with the predisone.

Also our family photo session with Megan in up on her site if anyone wants to take a peek. Its the very last one on the left side of her blog. We had so much fun that weekend. Even though it was freezing cold. The pictures turned out awesome. Thank you so much Megan!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone's feeling better! I was coming in hopes of seeing Halloween pics! {hint, hint} Now I'm off to see if Angie is on the ball...