Thursday, July 2, 2009

Momma is a............

I'll spare you! But just know that I was complaining to Holly and my Mom on Sunday how hard it was to pump for 30 minutes and get a tiny amount. Then have MaKenna spit all my hard work back up. I stopped complaining on Tuesday! Now her nurses just laugh at me when I come in with 8 bottles full from the night sessions! But what can you do!!

Today was a big day for MaKenna! She is starting to get a lot less puffy finally, she was really bad. She had her first visit from Uncle Derek and Auntie Angie and cousin Caden. What I didn't know was that other kids weren't allowed in the NICU just siblings! OOPS! They let Caden stay though and he was so cute just looking at her and trying to touch her. She also got a new perferial (sp?) line placed,and unfortunately its right smack dab on top of her cute little head again! She also had the ultrasound of her kidneys today. And for the main event....she is now off the nasal cannula as of 2 this afternoon. And she is doing awesome with out it, still stating between 95-100%. The only downfall still is her apnea and brady episodes! She also has a new found love for her paci, now that they found one that fits! She goes to town on that thing, ever so cute.

Her weight this morning was 2lbs 6 oz. They told me that was perfectly fine, so don't worry about it!! She is actually getting closer to what she should be for her gestational age. She should start gaining again as soon as they start back up her feedings. But they can't do that until she is done with the meds for her PDA. So hopefully tomorrow!!


Unknown said...

Glad to hear everything is going good. My prayers and love are with you and MaKenna. Hope you had fun with the kids this weekend and they werent to much. Bet they were excited about MaKenna. Cant wait to see her again. God bless and take care. Later Love Debi

Anonymous said...

Hey Rachelle, Congrats on the arrival of little Makenna, My thoughts and prayers are with you all right now! I will try and get an email out to you this week :) keep in touch

Your Friend