Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Welcome Baby Girl!!

Little Miss MaKenna Louise joined our family on June 28 at 1:27 am. She weighed in at 2 lbs 14.2 oz, and is 15 inches long. She is just HUGE!! It has actually taken us by surprise, so totally not what we were expecting as we drove into the hospital. I figured I was going to be on my way back to Billings. Which I was but not the way I thought I would be. We arrived at the hospital at 12:50p.m. on the 27 and as you can see she was born 37 minutes after we arrived! There were preparing my for a repeat section and I was talking to the medicine man when she came out. I'll spare you the details this is a G rated family blog after all!! Dan had just stepped out to get a drink, so he missed the big event. She was doing great soon after but needed to be flown to a hospital with a NICU, so we are back in Billings.

As of today she is doing great. We have had a few bumps along the way but that is to be expected with a 29 weeker. She was only on the vent for a few hours Sunday, she actually came off of it shortly after I arrived up here. She spent the rest of the day just on the nasal cannula and 38% O2. Monday they started feedings thru her feeding tube and she had to be moved over to C-PAP. That just provides continuous positive air pressure to inflate her lungs, that was also with just room air O2. Yesterday proved to be a little more of a rough day for her as she started having brady spells and bouts of apnea. However they are only when they are messing with her of try to give her a paci. I did have a wonderful surprise when I went in for her 5 o'clock cares to find her back on the nasal cannula and only at 28% o2. Today she her doctors heard a heart murmur so she had an echo preformed. It appears that her PDA and another little valve (i forgot which one) haven't closed yet. So they are going to start her on some indomicen (sp) to work on getting those closed up. All 100% normal things with a premi of her age.

I think that is a quick run down of the past few days. I'm out of time now so I need to go.



Anonymous said...

Welcome baby MaKenna!!! We love you and can't wait for you to come home. Your sisters and big brother can't wait to see you. We will be up to see you both soon.. Get rested up as the kids are very excited and they will want to touch you and kiss you. You to Shell they miss there mommy!! Love you both see you soon.. Love mom

megan said...

Oh my goodness! So not what I expected to see this morning! Congrats on your newest family member. You all will be in my prayers. Take care, and God bless!